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How To: Add A Swap File In Linux

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  • How To: Add A Swap File In Linux

    I need additional swap space to improve my system performance. How do I add a swap file to Linux system?

    In Linux, as in most other Unix-like operating systems, it is common to use a whole partition of a hard disk for swapping. However, with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast[7] as swap partitions, although Red Hat recommends using a swap partition. The administrative flexibility of swap files outweighs that of partitions; since modern high capacity hard drives can remap physical sectors, no partition is guaranteed to be contiguous. You can add swap file as a dedicated partition or use following instructions to create a swap file.

    Procedure to add a swap file

    You need to use dd command to create swapfile. Next you need to use mkswap command to set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file.

    a) Login as the root user

    b) Type following command to create 512MB swap file (1024 * 512MB = 524288 block size):
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=524288

    c) Set up a Linux swap area:
    # mkswap /swapfile1
    d) Activate /swapfile1 swap space immediately:
    # swapon /swapfile1
    e) To activate /swapfile1 after Linux system reboot, add entry to /etc/fstab file. Open this file using text editor such as vi:
    # vi /etc/fstab
    Append following line:
    /swapfile1 swap swap defaults 0 0
    So next time Linux comes up after reboot, it enables the new swap file for you automatically.

    g) How do I verify swap is activated or not?
    Simply use free command:
    $ free -m

  • #2
    thank you so much


    • #3
      thanks for information.


      • #4
        Some writers make it difficult to understand the point they’re trying to get across. You, the other hand have made your points clear, concise and interesting.

        Last edited by mittymout; 01-12-2015, 01:07 PM.

