$ cat /etc/passwd ... username:x:500:500:Some comments:/home/username:/bin/bash
The system account username . It should not start with a number or include uppercase letters.
The password. An x points to /etc/shadow for the password. An * means the account is disabled. A random group of letters and numbers represents the encrypted password.
The user ID (UID) for that user.
The group ID (GID) associated with that user.
Some comments
Any information can be used in this field.
By default, RHEL places new home directories in /home/username.
Default user shell.
In order add/delete users to the system this file can be edited directly with vipw or using useradd/userdel commands as described in next sections.
The file where system group account definition is done is /etc/group. This file has the following structure :
$ cat /etc/group ... groupname:x:500:user1,user2
The system account groupname user gets his own group. By default when a user is created is related to a group with groupname equal to username.
The group password password. An x points to /etc/gshadow for the password. As user password on /etc/passwd random group of letters and numbers represents the encrypted password.
The group ID (GID) associated with user.
Lists of users that belong to the group. If it's blank means that there is a username that is identical to the groupname.
In order add/delete groups to the system this file can be edited directly with vigr or using useradd/userdel commands as described in next sections.
The /etc/passwd file is can be read for every user on the system so include the encrypted password there is not a good idea. For this reason the file /etc/shadow accessible to root only is used to store the encrypted password :
$ cat /etc/shadow ... username:$1sdsew$td%wqee@132ewSDADdsa:14860:0:99999:7:::
Username shadow entry, it is related with 'username' account on /etc/passwd.
Encrypted password. An x in the second column of /etc/passwd means that the encrypted password is stored here.
Last password change date, in Linux epoch number of days: number of days after January 1, 1970.
The value of 0 here means that this user can keep this password forever.
The system will ask to username to change his password after 99999 days since account creation.
This value means the number of days before password expiration when a warning is given, in this case none.
It sets the number of days after password expiration when an account is made inactive, in this case none.
This value means the number of days after password expiration when an account is disabled, in this case none.
Adding user account
When a user account needs to be added to the system the command useradd must be used :
$ useradd -u 600 -c "Test add user" -d /home/john -s /bin/bash john
$ cat /etc/passwd ... john:x:600:600:Test add user:/home/john:/bin/bash
Deleting user account
When a user account needs to be removed in the system the command userdel must be used :
$ userdel -r john
Modifying user account
In order to change the parameters of an existing account the commands usermod and/or chage can be used :
$ usermod -e 2012-10-08 john Sets the expiration account day for user 'john' to 2012-10-08 $ usermod -G sales john Sets 'john' account group ownership to 'sales' group. $ chage -E -1 john Removes any account expiration date for user 'john' User profile
This file points to the general /etc/bashrc configuration file. It normally includes the commands to be run bash shell is started.
This file is executed when the user exits a bash shell. It normally includes commands for clearing screen, umount partitions, etc.
It is the bash startup environment where environment variables as PATH and LIB_PATH are configured.
The system-wide shell configuration files are stored in /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile. These files configure the default system-wide umask value for default file creation permission, the default prompt display, the system-wide PATH, aliases, etc.
Switch accounts with 'su'
The 'su' commands allows the change between users accounts without logout :
$ su - john Password: john-$
john-$ su cate -c id Password: uid=501(cate) gid=502(cate) groups=502(cate) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
Execute a command as another user with 'sudo'
A most powerful way to execute process as another user than 'su -c' is the sudo command. The file /etc/sudoers accessible with visudo command controls how sudo is executed.
The sudoers file format looks like:
user host = (userl) command
* user is the username or groupname to which the rule applies
* host is a list of hosts where the rule applies
* userl is the user that this rule can be run as. If it is not specified sudo run the command as root user
* command is the command/s that can be run as userl from user account
The parameters host, userl and command can be replaced with the ALL, meaning unrestricted access for this parameter. The parameter NOPASSWD after userl means that no passowrd authentication is required on sudo execution.
Sudo examples
%john ALL=(cate) /usr/bin/id
john-$ sudo -u cate id [sudo] password for john: uid=502(cate) gid=503(cate) groups=503(cate) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
%john ALL=(cate)NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/id
john-$ sudo -u cate id uid=502(cate) gid=503(cate) groups=503(cate) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
%john ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/mount, /bin/umount
john-$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
The Set User ID permission changes the effective user ID permission to the owner file user ID in the file execution. It allows run a command/script as the owner´s file. In this case the permission is set up on the standard file permission with the chmod u+s command. One common example is the passwd command that allow system users change their password without being root on the system :
$ ls -lrt /usr/bin/passwd -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 22960 jul 17 2006 /usr/bin/passwd
The Set Group ID permission changes the effective group ID permission to the owner file group ID in the file execution. It allows share files between users in the same group. As the SUID the permission is set up on the standard group directory using the command chmod g+s command:
$ groupadd admin
$ usermod -G admin -a mike $ usermod -G admin -a cate $ usermod -G admin -a john
$ mkdir /home/admin
$ chown nobody:admin /home/admin
$ chmod 770 /home/admin
$ chmod g+s /home/admin $ ls -lrt /home/ | grep admin drwxrws--- 2 nobody admin 4096 oct 30 08:51 admin
The sticky permission ('t' on others permission field) allows to remove files only to the owner in 777 directories as /tmp. Thanks to the sticky permission on /tmp everybody can create/remove files but only the owner of the file can remove it. As previous examples the permission is applied on the directory with the chmod o+t command :
$ chmod o+t /tmp $ ls -lrt / | grep tmp drwxrwxrwt 93 root root 4096 oct 30 08:55 tmp $ su - john john-$ ls -lrt /tmp/cate -rwxrwxrwx 1 cate cate 0 oct 30 08:55 cate john-$ rm /tmp/cate rm: can not remove «cate»: Permision denied