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Automating tasks in Linux

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  • Automating tasks in Linux

    In Linux there are several ways to execute automatic tasks: to run periodical tasks use cron command, to run one-time tasks on a specified date use the at command and to run one-time tasks when the system load average is below a specified number use the batch command.

    The crond service is used to schedule periodic tasks and is installed with the 'vixie-cron' rpm. The cron system-wide configuration file is /etc/crontab :

    $ cat /etc/crontab
    # run-parts
    01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
    02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
    22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
    42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
    The first four line are the environment variables configuration used in cron execution. The following lines are periodic executions with the format :

    minute hour day month day-of-week command

    minute : (0-59)
    hour : (0-23)
    day : (1-31)
    month : (1-12) or (jan-dec)
    dayofweek : (0-7) or ( sun-sat)
    command : command/script to execute

    For any of these values an '*' means all possible values, for example an '*' on the hour value means at any hour. An '-' means a range, for example '0-2' on the day value means 0,1,2 (from Sunday to Tuesday) the same as a list separated by ',' that means a list of values 0,1,2. The forward slash '/' means a step value, for example '*/2' on the hour field means every two hours 0,2,4,6,..,22.

    The '/etc/crontab' files executes as root the commands/scripts on /etc/cron.hourly every hour, /etc/cron.daily every day at 04:02, /etc/cron.weekly every Sunday at 04:22 and /etc/cron.monthly every first of month at 04:42. If some task need to be scheduled at other time by other user the cron command can be used, for example if user 'john' needs to execute the script /home/john/ every day at 05:00 :

    su - john
    john-$ crontab -e
    00 05 * * * /home/john/
    no crontab for john - using an empty one
    crontab: installing new crontab
    john-$ crontab -l
    00 05 * * * /home/john/
    The user-defined crontabs are stored in the /var/spool/cron/ directory and are executed with the owner´s file user ID by crond daemon which every minute checks in /etc/crontab file, /etc/cron.d and /var/spool/cron to see if there are any cron jobs to be executed. With the files /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny the root user can control which users can use the cron utility, by default all users can use cron.
    Cron examples

    12 0 * * * /bin/job1 >> /tmp/out 2>&1
    # run /bin/job1 at 00:12 every night and redirect all OUTPUT to /tmp/out

    10 18 2 * * /sbin/job2
    # run /sbin/job2 at 18:10 on the second of every month

    23 0-23/2 * * 1 /bin/job3
    # run /bin/job3 at 00:23, 02:23, 04:23,...22:23 on Monday of every month


    The atd service, installed by 'at' rpm, is responsible to schedule one-time task at specific time. The 'at' jobs are scheduled executing the at command as an specific user (that can be root or any other) that determines the user ID under the task will be executed. The files /etc/at.allow and /etc/at.deny can be used to determine which users can use 'at', by default all users can use it.
    At examples

    $ su - john
    john-$ at now + 10 minutes
    at> echo 123
    at> Ctrl + d
    job 5 at 2010-10-30 12:47
    In 10 minutes 'echo 123' will be executed as user 'john'

    john-$ at now + 10 hours
    at> /home/john/
    at> Ctrl + d
    job 6 at 2010-10-30 22:39
    In 10 hours /home/john/ will be executed as user 'john'

    john-$ su - root
    $ at 01:00 12/30/2010
    at> /sbin/reboot
    at> Ctrl + d
    job 7 at 2010-12-30 01:00
    At 2010-12-30 01:00 the command /sbin/reboot will be executed as root

    $ atq
    7 2010-10-30 13:22 a root
    6 2010-10-30 22:39 a john
    5 2010-10-30 12:47 a john
    Lists all atq scheduled tasks

    $ atrm 7
    Removes a specific at task

    The batch command can be used to execute on-time tasks when the load system average is under 0.8. It uses the atd service so it is installed with 'at' rpm package. By default any user can use 'batch' command and the files /etc/at.allow and /etc/at.deny can be used to restrict which users are allowed to use batch.
    Batch examples
    su - john
    john-$ batch
    at> echo 123
    at> ctrl + d
    job 9 at 2010-10-30 13:10
    Run 'echo 123' as user john when the system load average is under 0.8. Commands atq and atrm allows manipulate batch scheduling.
    Last edited by kuldeep; 02-24-2015, 12:55 AM.