How to Suspend, Un-suspend and List Suspended Accounts via Command Line :
1. To Suspend an Account -:
2. To Suspend an Account and Prevent Reseller’s Un-suspension-:
(Here 1 Locks the Account and it Can’t be Un-suspended by the Reseller)
3. To Un-suspend an Account -:
4. To List Suspended Accounts -:
Bonus: Suspend all cPanel Accounts at once via Command line
Note: Waring use at you own risk have not tested
1. To Suspend an Account -:
/scripts/suspendacct user-name
2. To Suspend an Account and Prevent Reseller’s Un-suspension-:
/scripts/suspendacct user-name "Reason" 1
3. To Un-suspend an Account -:
/scripts/unsuspendacct user-name
4. To List Suspended Accounts -:
Bonus: Suspend all cPanel Accounts at once via Command line
Note: Waring use at you own risk have not tested
for username in `cat /etc/userdomains | awk {'print $2'} | grep -v nobody | sort -n | uniq`;do /scripts/suspendacct $username;done