Linux View Users Cronjob
Use the following syntax to view geek users cronjob:
How to Display all jobs in cron / crontab
I run the following as root user:
List Cronjob for a particular user:
Well depends on the script but easily you can find your crontab as root with
Or you can find crontab from spool where is located file for all users
To show all users' crontabs with the username printed at the beginning of each line:
Use the following syntax to view geek users cronjob:
sudo crontab -u userName -l sudo crontab -u geek -l
How to Display all jobs in cron / crontab
I run the following as root user:
crontab -l
List Cronjob for a particular user:
Well depends on the script but easily you can find your crontab as root with
crontab -l -u <user>
Or you can find crontab from spool where is located file for all users
cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<user>
To show all users' crontabs with the username printed at the beginning of each line:
cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ && grep . *